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"What they don't know won't hurt them," goes a popular
saying. But is it true? Give consideration to the following individuals:
Those who don't know about common sanitary precautions
in order to prevent disease and infection.
Children who don't know not to play in the street, put
a bobby pin in the electric outlet, touch the hot stove burner, etc.
Those who don't know that illegal drug use is addictive
and physically harmful.
The high school graduate who needs to obtain a good
job with benefits but does not know how to read and write.
The person who doesn't know that the one they are about
to engage in sexual activity with has a sexually transmitted disease.
Those considering suicide who don't know that they have
friends who really care and still have very good reasons to live.
So after reviewing that list, could we honestly say,
"What they don't know won't hurt them"? Of course not! The truth is that
what they don't know can hurt them a lot.
Likewise, consider the following situations:
Those who have never heard the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Those who know about Jesus but don't know about the
biblical plan of salvation.
You see, as followers of Jesus Christ, we have an obligation
to tell and show others the truth (Matthew
28:18-20). We ought to care when we realize that
someone doesn't know the truth, because it will, indeed, hurt them very
much. If we truly love Jesus, we will love one another (John
13:34-35; 1
John 3:23; 1
John 4:21). We won't want anyone to suffer the eternal
consequences of not knowing the true way of salvation. We are to treat
others the way we wish to be treated (Matthew
7:12; Luke
6:31). And if we were on the path to hell, wouldn't
we want someone to tell or show us how to get off that path and onto the
straight and narrow road of righteousness? Of course we would. No one wants
to spend eternity burning in hell.
So please give this matter special consideration.
Ask God for guidance and to help you recognize when someone else needs
you or your help. Because especially if it's about salvation, what they
don't know will hurt them.
Copyright © 2001 Kimberly B. Southall.
All rights reserved.