The old saying, "You are the company you keep," is very true and applies to Christians and their friends. Our friends and those with whom we keep company on a regular basis influence our lives. We are to stand firm in our faith, guarding against those who, in one way or another, hinder our relationship with Christ. Paul tells us that bad company corrupts good character
( Christians are warned not to be yoked together with
unbelievers. Those who are righteous have nothing in common with the wicked
( When Christians come into contact with unbelievers, we are not to have a "holier than thou" attitude. Rather, we are to impart the gospel message in love. Remember, Jesus did, indeed, fellowship with sinners. However, it was not in order to be part of them; it was in order to convert them. No matter what, we are to speak, act, and keep our thoughts like Christ's. If we take a stand as Christians, we will either make others feel a need to seek Christ, or they will no longer desire our company. We are not to lower our standards in order to gain friends or approval. Are those with whom you keep company a friend or foe of Christ? Copyright © 2001 Timothy A. Southall. All rights reserved. |