by Kimberly B. Southall

Gossip, lies, a hurtful word--
The tongue's an evil thing
When before we stop to think
We let our voices ring.

Do we inquire about the source?
No, we give no thought to clearing
The tale before we repeat it
Within someone else's hearing.

Proverbs tells us we are fools
When we are gossiping.
Oh, if we'd only turn our eyes
On Jesus, our Lord and King.

For Satan always looks for ways
To leave his powerful sting.
What better way than unwholesome talk,
Whispering, and backstabbing?

The Bible is full of caution
About this very thing.
When we hear some nasty talk
To God, give everything.

Push all ungodly thoughts aside;
In prayer, it's God we're nearing.
When to Jesus we reach out,
He gathers us under His wing.

He is the Way, the Truth, the Life,
And to Jesus we must cling.
When we are tempted to speak ill,
Back to the Word we should spring.

So when we next hear gossip,
Slander, lies, criticizing,
This time open our mouths
And only the Gospel sing.

For in love we can correct
A fellow friend who flings
A hurtful word about someone else.
This Word salvation brings.

Copyright © 1997 Kimberly B. Southall. All rights reserved.