Bible & Word Studies

A Biblical Look at Salvation
by Timothy A. & Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Popular myths about salvation

A Closer Look at "The Christmas Story"
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: The birth of Jesus Christ

A Day By Any Other Name
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: God's creation of the world in six 24-hour days

A Sin Like No Other
by Timothy A. Southall
Subject: Sexual Immorality

A Sobering Thought
by Timothy A. Southall
Subject: Identifying those who will be condemned

A Time To Hate
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: The things God hates and what we ought to hate

by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Accusations--both false and true

Angels According to the Scriptures
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Angels

by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Unrighteous and righteous anger

Are You Saying My Grandma Went To Hell?
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: One reaction to the biblical plan of salvation

Baby Baptism?
by Timothy A. Southall
Subject: Infant baptism--is it scriptural?

Be A Good Minister
by Timothy A. Southall
Subject: Biblical qualifications for ministers

Believing Is A Work
by Timothy A. Southall
Subject: Believing

Blotted Out
by Timothy A. Southall
Subject: Falling away

Christian Salt
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Salt's purposes--both literal and spiritual

Details, Details
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Details regarding God's plan of salvation

Does Your Congregation Fit The Biblical Standard?
by Timothy A. & Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: The biblical standard for local congregations

Duped Again?
by Timothy A. Southall
Subjects: The birth of Jesus and Salvation

Each Life is a Blessing
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: The blessing and value of human life

Envy: A Deadly Disease
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Envy and its effects

Exposing The Occult
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: The occult

For What?
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Baptism and Christ's Death

From Milk To Solid Food
by Timothy A. Southall
Subject: Maturing as a Christian

by Timothy A. Southall
Subject: Giving

Greed: Nothing But Trouble
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Greed and its effects

Grumble and Stumble
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Grumbling and its consequences

Halloween: Deeds of Darkness
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Halloween and its origins

Hell: A Biblical Description
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Hell

Holy Hands
by Timothy A. Southall
Subject: Raising holy hands in prayer and/or worship

Invite Him In
by Timothy A. Southall
Subjects: Salvation and grace

Is He An Elder Or Not?
by Timothy A. & Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: The qualifications to become and remain an elder

Is Homosexuality A Sin?
by Timothy A. Southall
Subject: Homosexuality--is it a sin?

Jesus Died For Everyone Except...
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Whom Jesus died for

Jesus Is Better Than Any . . .
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Jesus is better than anyone in any profession

by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Joy

Judging--Right or Wrong?
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Judging others

Lessons In Encouragement
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Encouragement

Let Him Hear
by Timothy A. Southall
Subject: Letters to the seven churches in Revelation

Let Not Man Put Asunder
by Timothy A. Southall
Subject: The lifetime commitment of marriage

Like Paul
by Timothy A. Southall
Subject: Paul and baptism

Love Is Spelled O-B-E-Y
by Timothy A. Southall
Subject: Obedience is evidence of one's love for God

Love: What It Is And Is Not
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Love

Malice: The Road To Destruction
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Malice

Our Sabbath
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Must Christian observe the Sabbath?

Playing Church
by Timothy A. & Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Being obedient to all of God's Word rather than just "playing church"

Pray Earnestly
by Timothy A. Southall
Subject: Prayer and positions used during prayer

Principles of Prayer
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Preparing to, how to, for whom to, and what to pray

Profile of a Fool
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Biblical profile of a fool

Ready Or Not
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Being ready for the second coming of Jesus Christ

Satan: A Biblical Profile
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Satan--his names and traits

Saved BEFORE Baptism?
by Timothy A. Southall
Subject: Can one be saved before baptism?

Seek God and Live Forever
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Seeking God

Shed Some Light
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Light

Sometimes Our Love Just Isn't Enough
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Fearing God

The Best
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Jesus is The Best

The Cross: A Necessary Tool
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: The cross

The Holy Spirit: Up Close and Personal
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: The Holy Spirit

The Name "Christian"
by Timothy A. Southall
Subject: The terms or names of Jesus Christ's followers

The Path of Least Resistance
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Resisting sin

The Real Thing
by Timothy A. Southall
Subject: The real, biblical plan of salvation

The Truth About Easter
by Timothy A. & Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: The origins of the celebration of "Easter"

by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: What The thorns placed on Jesus' head represent

by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: The ugliness of Jesus' crucifixion and our sins which caused it

Unknown But Unmistakable
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: The return of Jesus Christ

What If?
by Timothy A. Southall
Subject: Faith and deeds

What In The World Are We Waiting For?
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: The gospel has already been preached in the whole world

What Is Baptism?
by Timothy A. Southall
Subject: What baptism is

Who is the Antichrist?
by Timothy A. Southall
Subject: The identity and arrival of the antichrist

Who's Behind Santa Claus?
by Timothy A. & Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Comparison of the qualities of Santa Claus and God and exposing who is behind the fallacies

Will Your Works Condemn You?
by Timothy A. Southall
Subject: Works and the role they play in one's eternal destination

Words of Wisdom
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Wisdom

Yoked Together
by Timothy A. Southall
Subject: Christians and non-Christians being "yoked" together