Insatiable means "incapable of being satisfied or appeased." Do you know someone who is insatiable for the things of this world--someone who always wants more things, more attention, more power, more [fill in the blank]? It is often much easier to detect this quality in someone else. But the real question is are you insatiable? By definition, those who are insatiable will never, ever get enough of whatever it is that they desire. Are you happy with what you have or do you find yourself constantly thinking, "I'll be happy just as soon as I get or accomplish [fill in the blank]." Do you often perceive your wants to be your needs? For many people, the difference between a need and a want has become blurred. A need is something you truly cannot live without. A want is something you would like to possess but you can live without. Some examples of needs are food, water, clothing, and shelter. Some examples of wants which many now perceive to be needs include cable television service, a cell phone, a computer and Internet access, and access to fast food. The list of wants can go on and on--fancy cars or a car for each member of the family, boats, campers, expensive vacations, the latest in electronics, the newest toys, designer clothes, cosmetic surgery, fine jewelry, collections--you name it, there's someone somewhere who wants more, more, more. When the houses and garages get filled to near-bursting, then it's time to get bigger houses and garages, rather than pare down to fit the allotted space. When the holiday season rolls around, the stores overflow with shoppers who shop 'til they drop--mostly on credit. Then when the bills arrive, they scarcely know what they bought or why, and they are then enslaved to credit card debt for months if not years. God's Word instructs us to be content--content
with our income ( In the Old Testament we find that the Israelites
chose not to be content with the manna (food) God supplied for them in
the wilderness; instead they complained because they wanted meat to eat
( It seems to be human nature to want more stuff
and/or more power. Yet, Jesus taught that the greatest is the one who is
humble ( When speaking to His disciples, Jesus asked the
rhetorical question, "What good will it be for a man if he gains the
whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange
for his soul?" ( Insatiable individuals set themselves up for a lifetime of misery, often leaving a trail of distress behind them for others to deal with, too. The heartbreaking truth is that if they don't realize their error and change their attitude and ways, they will reap an eternity of misery, too. Are you insatiable for the things this world has to offer? You don't have to be. Instead, you can choose to be content. This will give you time and energy to be insatiable about what really counts--God and His Word. Copyright © 2005 Kimberly B. Southall. All rights reserved. |
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