God Means What He Said--by Kimberly B. Southall
Though many think it is not true
God means just what He said.
His Word, the Bible, is for me and for you.
It should always be our daily bread.

Some folks would rather "fudge" just a bit
And pretend a scripture they've read
Means something slightly more or less
Than exactly what God said.

It doesn't matter if we like it or not;
Our souls with Truth must be fed.
If we lie to ourselves about God's Word,
It still doesn't change what He said.

Would we starve our souls of the Truth
And let ourselves be mislead
Just for the sake of convenience?
Or would we stand for God, instead?

God gives us instructions in His Word.
Within its path we must tread.
His will we must follow to reach our goal;
It is just within our reach--straight ahead.

Even though some orders seem difficult
And we look upon them with dread,
We still must obey His every command
For He watches, with love, overhead.

Our God loved us so very much
That His Son suffered and bled.
He hung in shame upon a cross
And then He arose from the dead!

To each piece of scripture we must cling
And not God's honor shred.
Remember, He's the Way, the Truth, and the Life,
And He means exactly what He said. 

Copyright © 1998 Kimberly B. Southall. All rights reserved.