Greetings in the name of our soon-coming God, Jesus Christ.I was fortunate to have been born into a Christian family. But that actually did not lead me to Christ's love. But it helped me in one way or another.
I was saved in the year 1993. Until then, I was a sinful person. I don't think there will be anybody in the world who sinned like me. I drank alcohol, was a chain smoker, watched sinful movies, played cards, etc. But God's grace and love came in search of me in April 1993.
As I was born in a Christian family, my parents dedicated me to God to become a priest. Even I was interested until I was in the 10th Standard. But thereafter, things went wrong, and I decided not to become a priest.
As I was working in Delhi, India, one fine day, I fell sick. I was suffering from a headache and chest pain. My body became weaker and weaker, day by day. I consulted different doctors. But all the doctors had only one thing to say: "You have nothing wrong with your health." And they gave me some tablets of medicine. I took the tablets for a week. But my condition was very bad. I remained in bed, and I could not even get up.
Then one day when my brother and his wife went to work, I started to think about my past and the ways I had traveled in my life.
Then I heard a sound asking me, "For what are you dedicated?"
I answered, "I was dedicated to become a priest."
I heard the second question, "Where are you now?"
I answered, "I am in the pit of sin where nobody can save and forgive."
I heard the third question, "What are you going to do?"
I replied, "Until today, I was in the hands of Satan. But from today onward, I will be Yours."
I made the decision and told God, "I will live for You today and be baptized when I go to Kerala, my native home. From the moment I made the decision to follow Jesus, I was healed. Soon after that I got up from the bed. I started to search for the Bible, because I did not know where it was. When I found the Bible, I read a few words, and I started searching for a cassette to hear a song. But in my room we had only a film song. I ran to the music shop, bought a Christian cassette, and heard the song. I was healed fully within an hour or two. In fact, I was in doubt whether I had been sick or not.
When my brother and wife came back from their job, they saw me fully healed. They were surprised. But I did not tell them what had happened, because I knew they would not believe. I stopped taking the medicine that same day. I believe today also that God can heal me and cure me of any illness.
I went to my native home and told my parents that I was going to be baptized. They were shocked to hear that. God helped me to be baptized, and there was not much of a problem from my family. But after a month or so, my father chased me out of our home at nine o'clock in the night. I happily left my home without anything in my hand as my father did not allow me to take even a change of clothing. But I know I was called by God, and not by a human being. I was not at all sad. But now my parents love me more than anybody.
From there onward, my blessing started. God has given me an understanding life partner and a wonderful job for which I was not at all eligible. But God opened the doorways nobody could close. I am very, very happy now to say that God is with me, and He has saved me. He is the only true, living God. I can give everything to God, because I had nothing. Now He has given everything to me. It is not mine, but His. It should be used for glorifying His Name.
Now God has given me a plot of land. He helped me to buy that last December. I had a bank balance of only Rs 450 when I thought of buying a plot. But God provided me with Rs 1,50,000 (Indian Rs) to buy the land. I still did not know how I could arrange it. I give all honor and glory to God. I also give the plot of land into His hand to be utilized for His name.
So let everyone in the world say there is no God. I will proclaim that Jesus is the only God and is a living God, and He is going to come soon to take us to His Kingdom. I love Him and worship Him and proclaim about Him not because he has given everything in this world, but because He has written my name in Heaven.
I am writing this testimony to you in the hope that it can encourage you or help someone to see Him through my testimony. Praise the Lord!
Brother Saji
Copyright © 1998 Saji Thomas.
This may be reprinted for evangelistic purposes if printed in its entirety and distributed free of charge.