Are you a good soldier of Christ? Will you receive
the victor's crown? Have you given it much thought? In his second letter
to Timothy, Paul wrote:
Now is the time to give these matters serious consideration. Are you more involved in civilian or worldly matters than you ought to be? Are you more concerned with worldly possessions than whether or not you and your family members are living according to God's Word? Does the scheduling of sporting events, school functions, or civic organizations have a higher priority in your life than worshiping God or meeting with your brothers and sisters in Christ? Is it more important to you to make sure that you watch your favorite television show than it is to make sure that you read your Bible? Is pleasing someone else–anyone else–more important to you than pleasing Christ? These are important questions to consider, for if you answered "yes" to any of them, then you are getting involved in civilian affairs and are not wanting to please your commanding officer (Jesus Christ) as you ought to be. Indeed, scripture makes it clear that if you are involved in civilian affairs, then you are not actually serving as a soldier of Christ Jesus! Are you competing according to the rules? In other
words, are you living your life the way God says to in His Word? If you
aren't living according to God's Word, then So often, it is easy to be caught up in the world around us and scarcely realize that we are wandering away from living the life God wants us to. But we must not continue to behave that way. We must live according to the rules, and we must be diligent to serve our commanding officer, Jesus Christ. Each of us has a choice. What's it to be for you–civilian affairs or the victor's crown? Copyright © 2001 Kimberly B. Southall. All rights reserved. |