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Too often individuals and organizations promoting
their own sinful agendas accuse Christians of being full of hatred. Some
examples of this include the portrayal of Christians as being full of hate
when they oppose the murderous act of abortion, the sinful lifestyle of
homosexuality or other sexual immorality, or any other sinful yet politically-correct
action. Worse, this allegation of hatred toward people is often promoted
in the media, resulting in many Christians second-guessing what they know
to be right and wrong.
Is it always wrong to hate? Is it wrong when we hate
sinful actions? Absolutely not, for God's Word clearly says:
"There is a time for everything, and a season
for every activity under heaven: . . . a time to love and
a time to hate . . ." --Ecclesiastes
3:1, 8 (NIV) |
Indeed, God hates. Therefore, it is obvious there
must be appropriate times to hate. God hates idolatry
12:31; Deuteronomy
16:22; Jeremiah
44:2-5); idolatrous celebrations (Isaiah
1:14); violence (Malachi
2:16); those who love violence (Psalm
11:5) haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed
innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick
to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies, and a man who stirs
up dissension among brothers
6:16-19); plotting evil against one's neighbor and
swearing falsely (Zechariah
8:17); divorce (Malachi
2:16); meaningless worship
5:21); the wicked (Psalm
11:5); and all who do wrong
5:5). The fact that God hates all wrong doing means
He hates all sin.
In addition, there are specific things the Bible
instructs us to hate as well. We should hate: Dishonest or ill-gotten gain
18:21; Proverbs
28:16); falsehood or what is false (Psalm
119:163; Proverbs
13:5); pride and arrogance (Proverbs
8:13); perverse speech (Proverbs
8:13); bribes
15:27); robbery (Isaiah
61:8); those who cling to worthless idols (Psalm
31:6); deeds of faithless men
101:3); bloodshed (Ezekiel
35:6); iniquity (Isaiah
61:8); wickedness
1:9); evil (Psalm
97:10; Proverbs
12:9); the practices of those who do evil (Revelation
2:6); even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh
1:23); and every wrong path (Psalm
While those who oppose God and all that is good and
right would like to make everyone else think Christianity is a religion
of hatred, that just is not true. While it is true that we are not to hate
anyone, it is a different matter entirely to hate sinful actions. God is
love (1
John 4:8, 16). And Christians are to love and pray
for even those who hate and persecute us (Matthew
5:44; Luke
6:27; Romans
12:14). But we cannot and must not ever cross the line and
begin loving, approving of, or tolerating the things God hates or then
we become among those whom God hates and bring condemnation upon ourselves!
We must stand firm upon the truth of God's Word. Indeed, there is a time
to love and a time to hate.
Copyright © 2001 Kimberly B. Southall.
All rights reserved.