911: Whom Do You Call First?
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: The attack of 09/11/2001 and whom we call upon first
A Little Odd
by Timothy A. Southall
Subject: Odd men in the Bible
A Little Works Through The Whole Batch
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Influence on others--positive and negative
A Prayer of Faith
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Praying with faith
A Symbolic Injury
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subjects: Standing firm and church discipline
Abuse of Position
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Abusing one's position
Adding To His Book Of Life
by Phyllis M. Hurst
Subject: Leading others to Christ
And God Did
Author Unknown
Subject: Miraculous answer to prayer
Are You Comfy?
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Comparison of our comfort to that of Jesus
Back For More
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Sharing God's Word with others who desire it
Because You Say So
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Doing what God's Word says
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: New opportunities
Caught Unaware
by Timothy A. Southall
Subject: Comparison of the 09/11/2001 attack and the Lord's return
Civilian Affairs or the Victor's Crown
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Living a worldly life or living for Jesus
Cruising For A Bruising
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Adversity caused by rebellion
Dandelion Sins
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Sins which sprout and eventually take over
De-Clutter Your Life
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Removing unnecessary things from one's life
by Saji Thomas
Subject: God's grace, forgiveness, and blessings
Dining With Swine
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Making bad spiritual choices
Disposable People
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Treating people as if they're disposable
Do You Believe Or Not?
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: True belief in Jesus and His Word
Don't Lie To Your Child
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Telling the truth about Santa Claus, the Easter bunny, and the tooth fairy
Don't Limit God
by Timothy A. Southall
Subject: The power of the Holy Spirit
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Making a dream become a vision for the future and then a goal to achieve
Every Single Sin
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Sin's place in the life of a Christian
Fair Weather Friends
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Faithfulness
Forgetting God
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subjects: Forgetting God
Go and Grow
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subjects: Evangelism and faith
Good Enough
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subjects: The sacrifice Jesus made and whether or not we should add to it
Good For Nothing
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subjects: Worry
Grandpa's Legacy
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: The things which are important in life
Hot, Cold, or Lukewarm
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: What lukewarm means to God
In All Things
by Timothy A. & Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: God works in all things
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Being content with one's circumstances
Intricate Patterns
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: The pattern of our lives
Just Listen
by Timothy A. Southall
Subject: Listening to the Voice of God
Just Who Do You Think You Are?
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Putting aside pride to listen to God
Leaving the Nest
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Personal evangelism and fulfilling the Great Commission
Lesson From A Child
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Keeping watch for the Lord's return
Little Things Mean A Lot
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Little things mean a lot
Live Up To The Name
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Living up the name "Christian"
Look For The Rainbow
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Seeing the bright side in dismal circumstances
Melted Crayons
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Standing out as a Christian
Missed Opportunities
by Tammy Howell
Subject: Using personal evangelism opportunities
Nicholas of Myra
by The Voice of the Martyrs
Subject: The true history of "Saint Nicholas"
Off The Fence
by Warren Ritchie Christianson
Subject: Following Christ, miraculous healing, and continued Christian growth
On Fire For Christ
by Timothy A. Southall
Subject: Meeting together as Christ's church
Pyramid Scheme
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subjects: Pyramid schemes, pursuit of money, and evangelism
Reflection, Prayer & Thanksgiving
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subjects: Reflection of our blessings, prayer for persecuted Christians, and thanksgiving.
Seven Spiritual Lessons From The Titanic
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Spiritual lessons learned from the disaster of the Titanic
She Just Quit
by Steven Clark Goad
Subject: Caring for our brothers and sisters in Christ
Sinner's Prayer or Sinner's Snare?
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: The truth about the sinner's prayer
Something For Nothing
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subjects: Kindness and the gift of salvation
Sound The Alarm
by Timothy A. Southall
Subjects: Saving others before it's too late
Spiders In The Sandbox
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Facing adversity in the world and within the church
Stop Everything
by Timothy A. Southall
Subject: Unexpected death and facing the judgment
Swim! Swim! Come on! Swim!!!
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subjects: Comparing shark infested waters to sin
Team Player
by Timothy A. & Kimberly B. Southall
Subjects: Being a "team player" in the body of the Christ
Thanks For Saving My Life!
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subjects: Saving others
The Best Defense . . .
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Saving souls
The Choice Is Yours
by Timothy A. Southall
Subject: Who makes the choice about our eternal destination?
The Christian and Bankruptcy
by Timothy A. Southall
Subject: Bankruptcy--Is it right or wrong for the Christian?
The Company You Keep
by Timothy A. Southall
Subject: How those you spend time with affect your walk with Christ
The Duck Test For Christians
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Christian behavior
The Easy Way Or The Hard Way
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Bowing our knees and confessing Jesus Christ is Lord
The Promise
by Timothy a. Southall
Subject: The biblical plan of salvation
Two Bottles of Correction Fluid
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Comparison of the Christian life to two different bottles of correction fluid
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subject: Being fit to be Christians and Christ's church
"Walk On Water" Faith
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subjects: Faith
What They Don't Know . . .
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subjects: What they don't know will hurt them
What Kind of Person Would I Be?
by Kimberly B. Southall
Subjects: Sharing the Christian faith with others
Who Shall Separate Us?
by Timothy A. Southall
Subject: The only one who can separate us from the love of Christ
Windshield Wipers
by Timothy A. Southall
Subject: Putting God's Word to use in our daily lives
Worth The Effort
by Timothy A. Southall
Subject: Helping others |