A Change In You

by Becky Purpero

Dear Daddy,

You're not quite like you used to be--I've seen a change in you.
You're different in the way you talk and the things I see you do.

You've always been the kind of man a father ought to be.
But now I want to tell you the changes that I see.

I never hear you swear or cuss, like sometimes I did before.
And I hear you speak of Jesus in a voice so soft and pure.

I see you in the Lord's House; every Sunday you are there.
I know you read your Bible; your time with Him you share.

I know you get so tired, that your days are filled with pain.
But when we get together, you never do complain.

You're more gentle and more patient than I've ever seen you be.
You're not the man you once were, and the reason's plain to see.

It started on that glorious day you gave your life to Him.
And each day that you get older, you are growing more like Him.

You were baptized on that snowy day, I never will forget
I was covered with the snowflakes, but didn't feel the cold or wet.

You see that day was special, so precious--like no other.
For after all these many years, you'd be going to church with Mother.

I know the angels sang that day, and the Lord smiled down on you.
And He'll pour out many blessings that He has in store for you.

Daddy dear, you've truly changed, but the best is yet to be.
When Jesus Christ comes back for us, what a day that's going to be!

We'll have glorified bodies that never age. Your legs won't hurt up there.
No more weighing out your food--God's Own Meal with you He'll share.

I'm so proud to be your daughter, and I love the change in you.
For in your face and in your heart, I see Jesus live in you.

Copyright © Becky Purpero. Reprinted with permission.